Fundraising Committee
The Fundraising Committee is responsible for planning and coordinating an annual event to raise money to meet the specific ongoing needs of our organization and support our local legislative efforts via the LAC Committee.
COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Devin Sack-Stearns, Atlanta Landscape Group BOARD LIAISON Penelope Hilliard, Crabapple LandscapExperts SECRETARY Diane Lasek, PTR Control Systems TREASURER Lisa Fuerst, Esq., Pankey & Horlock, LLC
COMMITTEE MEMBERS Nicolle Robleto, Arborguard Tree Specialists Brett Durbin, CLCS, PLCS, Bouvier Insurance Alex Berkowitz, Color Burst Tracy Lanard, CMCA, Community Management Associates, Inc. Anthony Meloro, Community Management Associates Inc. Amanda Videki, Community Management Associates Inc. Jeff Creecy, Greenwood Group Joanna Eljazzar, Esq., Lazega & Johanson, LLC Melody Burkett, P3 Painting & Renovations, Inc. Dan Zisoff, PMI Reliance Jimmy Don Murray, Sweetwater Pools Griffin Bell, Esq., Winter Capriola Zenner, LLC OPENING