
 More than 73.5 million Americans reside in homeowners associations, condominiums, housing cooperatives and other planned communities. All of these communities - more than 350.000 nationally - share a few essential goals - preserving the nature and character of the community, providing services and amenities to residents, protecting property values and meeting the established expectations of owners.

Community association are governed by a state-level statutory framework that control how associations are developed, governed and managed.

Each Chapter of CAI have a dedicated committee, Legislative Action Committees (LAC). LAC work to monitor state legislation, educate lawmakers and protect the interests of those living and working in community associations. Each committee is compromised of homeowner leaders, community managers and representatives from community association business partners who graciously volunteer their time.  Click here for the list of CAI-Georgia LAC Members

CAI Georgia Legislative Action Committee

The Georgia Legislative Action Committee (LAC) was formed in 1997 and is a local volunteer committee consisting of homeowners and professionals serving community associations. This committee works to monitor state legislation, educate lawmakers, and protect the interests of those living and working in t
he community association industry. The committee also builds relationships with and educate state legislators, providing invaluable advice when community association issues arise.

The CAI-Georgia LAC Committee was the 2019 LAC Committee of the Year awarded by CAI National!

What does LAC do:

  • A non-profit, statewide committee of the Community Associations Institute (CAI)

  • Educates legislators about HOA, POA, and Condominium living and governance

  • Is not a PAC (Political Action Committee), and makes no direct political contributions

  • Functions solely due to the funds generated by the members of the CAI Georgia Chapter

How Does LAC Accomplish These Goals?

  • Organizes grassroots efforts to work with legislators on items particularly important to community associations

  • Reviews and takes positions on all legislative bills affecting community associations

  • Employs lobbyists to testify at hearings and educate legislators

  • Alerts association managers and board members about important legislation

  • Meets with legislators in their districts to continue education

  • Acts as a resource for legislators when they are considering legislation relevant to community associations

Resources for Legislative Action Committees:
  • State and Federal Advocacy Issues Guide - A brochure outlining key advocacy issues and why community associations are a strong and rapidly growing housing model.
  • Guides for Effective Advocacy - Download handouts for effective advocacy regarding calls, emails and social media, written and oral testimonies and personal visits with legislators.
  • Advocacy Resources - A resource with links to press releases, media statements, story ideas, relevant publications and contact for CAI Headquarters and local chapters.